[Expat-discuss] Beginner problem

Joe Collins joegd@mutantsoft.com
Fri, 06 Sep 2002 17:26:28 -0700

---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment
ok. I get the error regardless of isFinal being 0 or 1.


Karl Waclawek wrote:

>>Hi all,
>>I am having a weird problem I can't figure out. Much help would be 
>>I have some code - I always get a "not well formed (invalid token)" 
>>error at the
>>end of the file. I can't figure it out. I KNOW the document is well 
>>   if (readTextFile(buff, doc, sz) <= 0) //Read the xml file
>>       return NULL;
>>     if (! XML_ParseBuffer(parser, sz, 0)) //Parse the doc
>If you only use one buffer, you need to set the isFinal argument to <> 0,
>otherwise the parser expects more data.

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