[Expat-discuss] Rebuilding Expat for ActivePerl

Warren Crossing wcrossing@companywatch.net
Wed, 9 Oct 2002 14:30:34 +0100

>From my understanding of the current sitch, theres not a lot of clear doco..
but I think... In order to upgrade the parser 2.31 to work with later builds
of Expat on win32.. 

1. I need to compile Expat_1_95_2 source files into dynamic link library
(.dll) using a .DEF file

2. I have to create/get an .xs file XSUB (perlxs) that controls the
input/output to the library produced above 

3. Then I Compile the .xs using xsubpp and it builds a new library which can
work with XML::Parser 2.31

Simple really, but so far it is impossible [ for me ] to get past step 1.

I've taken out the __declspec(dllexport) from the source code so I can use
the .DEF instead, and guess that the .DEF file gets put into the library to
allow access to functions by ordinals [dynamic] rather than entry point
addresses [static]

I can generate a stock standard .xs file using h2xs against Expat.h, then
running make.. I think I need to customize the Makefile.pl here
LIBS,PREREQ_PM etc. It always complains about not finding the library, so as
yet I cant perform make install
I assume the .xs file gets compiled into the into the library to act as a
bridge between perl and the c functions and when I call my perl subs they
talk to the interface this xsub adds to the lib.

Is there already a .DEF and .XS (even an earlier version) that I can use? Is
this the forum for this message? Can anyone share any insight?

In the mean time I'm using XML::SAX::Pureperl .. because my boss isn't so
eager as me =o) 

Please advise, thanks in advance

Warren Crossing

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Fred L. Drake, Jr. [SMTP:fdrake@acm.org]
> Sent:	Tuesday, October 08, 2002 9:59 PM
> To:	Karl Waclawek
> Cc:	Warren Crossing; expat-discuss@libexpat.org
> Subject:	Re: [Expat-discuss] Rebuilding Expat for ActivePerl
> Karl Waclawek writes:
>  > AFAIK, applications working with 1_95_2 should still work with 1_95_5.
>  > Don't know about 1_95_1.
> This may not be binary compatible, though -- a relink is needed on
> Windows since we don't control how the link table for Expat is built.
> That means DLLs for different versions of Expat are not "drop in"
> compatible.
> SourceForge bug #579144 describes this in slightly more detail:
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=579144&group_id=1
> 0127&atid=110127
>   -Fred
> -- 
> Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
> PythonLabs at Zope Corporation
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