[Expat-discuss] Trouble using static expat in MS VC 6

Oriol omagrane@anthill.es
Thu Nov 21 22:02:52 2002

    Problem found!!! I was linking statically MFC and expat did not like it.
    So changing the option in Project->Settings->General->Microsoft
Foundation Classes to "Use MFC in a Shared DLL", it works.
    I don't know where's exactly the problem, so... does anybody know a way
of linking MFC statically and still having expat working?

    Thank you!


    P.S. Thanks a lot, Karl, for your time.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Karl Waclawek" <karl@waclawek.net>
To: "Oriol" <omagrane@anthill.es>; <expat-discuss@libexpat.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Expat-discuss] Trouble using static expat in MS VC 6

> >     Hello, again, Karl.
> >     My Link tab in Project->Settings does not show any "Additional
> > Path field". I have "Category", a reset button, "Output file name",
> > "Object/library modules", a few checkboxs and "Project Options".
> >     I suppose you mean the "Object/library modules" field.
> >     In the case of "elements" example, the "Object/library modules"
> > contains "odbccp32.lib libexpat.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib
> > etc, etc, etc.
> On the same page (Category = Input) you should have the
> "Additional Library Path field".
> >     A lot of different libraries, although libexpat.lib is included.
> >     Additionally, in my project, I've renamed all the .dll files and
> > files to .bak except the libexpat.lib in "Debug_static\libexpat.lib", so
> > is the only libexpat library in the system.
> >     However when I try to compile my program the same error appears.
> >     Could it be an incompatibility with the default libraries? Why the
> > "elements" example declares so many libraries?
> Does the elements project compile for you?
> All I can tell you from here is: Try to duplicate as much from the
> elements project's settings as makes sense.
> Karl

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