[Expat-discuss] [PATCH] support $AUTOCONF/$AUTOHEADER

Joe Orton joe@manyfish.co.uk
Wed May 8 02:27:02 2002

This patch allows specifying an alternative autoconf/autoheader program
name, e.g. autoconf-2.53, for when autoconf is configured using
--program-name=-2.53.  And clean up the autom4te-2.53.cache directory
created by such a configuration.

(this is especially useful when expat is bundled into other source trees
which require a specific version of autoconf to be used, but that
version is not 'autoconf' in $PATH)

--- buildconf.sh	7 Dec 2001 10:19:30 -0000	1.5
+++ buildconf.sh	8 May 2002 09:24:33 -0000
@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@
 # Generate the autoconf header template (config.h.in) and ./configure
 echo "Creating config.h.in ..."
 echo "Creating configure ..."
 ### do some work to toss config.cache?
 # toss this; it gets created by autoconf on some systems
-rm -rf autom4te.cache
+rm -rf autom4te*.cache
 # exit with the right value, so any calling script can continue
 exit 0