[Expat-discuss] Expat 1.95.3 is available!

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Mon Jun 3 22:14:01 2002

We've just released Expat 1.95.3, which continues our traditional for
frequent, seriously delayed releases which mostly fix small problems.

Unlike the last seriously delayed release which mostly fixed small,
annoying problems, this release has some more substantial
improvements, in part due to a new developer on the project.

In particular, we've made the following changes:

- Changed the name of the Windows DLLs from expat.dll to libexpat.dll;
  this fixes SF bug #432456.  This is a problem only known to affect
  the Perl XML::Parser::Expat extension, but is very important for
  that extension.

- Added a project to the MSVC workspace to create a wchar_t version of
  the library; the DLLs are named libexpatw.dll.  (Note the addition
  of the "w" character in the file name.)

- Added the XML_ParserReset() API function.  This allows a parser to
  be re-used, reducing the number of memory allocations needed to set
  up a parser.  This can be a substantial benefit when parsing a large
  number of small documents.

- Fixed XML_SetReturnNSTriplet() to work for element names.  This is
  now a usable feature.

- Made the XML_UNICODE builds usable (thanks, Karl!).

- Allow xmlwf to read from standard input.

- Install a man page for xmlwf on Unix systems.

- Fixed many bugs; see SF bug reports 231864, 461380, 464837, 466885,
  469226, 477667, 484419, 487840, 494749, 496505, 547350.  Other bugs
  which we can't test as easily may also have been fixed, especially
  in the area of build support.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation