[Expat-discuss] Compiling expat with Borland C++ Builder

Marta Padilla martap@tango04.net
Tue Jul 16 00:56:03 2002

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I'm new with Expat and so far I was working with Microsoft C++ Ide (so I was
using the dsw provided by expat itself).
Now I was trying to compile it with Borland C++ Builder and I'm having
problems. Has anyone done this before?

I'm trying to compile just xmltok, xmlparse and xmlwf. I start trying to
build xmltok project, but, even I include *.c in the directory, the project
doesn't build: I don't get compilation errors but when linking it doesn't
find some obj: Obj from the files that had just compiled.
Do I need to include another *.c, or specify dependencies on another project
(xmlparse for example)? If so, how can I do it from 
Borland C++?

Thanks in advance for any help,


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