[Expat-discuss] Re: troubles with expat sol 8/gcc/xml-parser

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Sat Aug 10 21:31:01 2002

rolf@pointsman.de writes:
 > Very interesting. We do it exactly the same way, for our expat based
 > Tcl extension. Yes, this works quite well. And it lowers the build
 > hassle (for the people, that otherwise first would have to install
 > expat). On the other hand... 

Yes; this is a big issue.  We used to require that Expat already be
installed, or you didn't get the Expat bindings.  That actually causes
an enormous amount of pain, because application developers could not
rely on it being there.

 > But, yes, disk space is so cheap this days, etc. ppp. And linking the
 > expat object files directly into the application has the *big*
 > advantage, that it simply works.

That certainly helps!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation