[Expat-discuss] Predefined Entity Expanding

Mark Mitchenall mark@mitchenall.com
Thu Aug 1 18:17:05 2002

on 1/8/2002 10:09 PM, Josh Martin at Josh.Martin@abq.sc.philips.com wrote:

> Yes, expat us supposed to expand predefined entities in the character data
> handler.  I don't not know why you are having problems.  Please post a copy
> of your code so that we can determine if it's a new problem in expat, or a
> problem in your code.

Thanks for your reply Josh,

I did post a response, but didn't notice that it only went to Karl, not to
the rest of the list (perhaps this is a potential feature request for the
discussion lists, i.e. reply to list, rather than reply to sender).

The bug was completely my fault as my handler was badly coded... here's my
response to Karl...

I wrote (after seeing the errors of my ways):

> Thanks for the quick response.  I created a separate test app, and it seems
> the
> problem I was seeing was caused by some bad coding in my characterDataHandler.
> I don't know why I didn't see this before (except that I almost certainly
> changed too much code in one go without running my tests at each stage).
> So, no problem with expat in this respect!

Somehow I knew as soon as I sent a support request, I'd see that it was my
own fault in the first place.

Thanks to everyone!


Mark Mitchenall
Principal Consultant

Email:  mark@mitchenall.com
Tel:     +44(0)20 8452 3031
Mobile:  +44(0)7850 847 543

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