[Expat-discuss] XML_ParserReset

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Fri Apr 19 19:27:03 2002

Karl Waclawek writes:
 > What about the XML_UNICODE patch then?
 > Is really nobody interested in UTF-16 output?

I am, but that seems a slightly lower priority.  I'll try to look at
it as well if I can manage enough time.

 > I supplied a patch a while ago, and it seems to work for me,
 > but I have never really subjected it to any targetted Unicode
 > testing, so that is what it would need.

The patch is currently in two files and a chunk of preprocessor magic
in the comments.  Would it be possible to create a single patch
against the current CVS?  That would make it a lot easier for me to
review.  If you can summarize the specific tests you think are needed,
that would really help as well; I'd like to add tests for everything
that gets changed in the library if I can, to ensure we're getting the
results we think we are, and to avoid regressions as maintenance
continues.  Any help in writing the tests would be appreciated as

(One advantage of getting this one fixed is that the Python bindings
will be able to avoid the current UTF-16 -> UTF-8 -> UTF-16 dance that
happens now when the user wants Python Unicode strings instead of
UTF-8; that's a lot of useless transformation that could be saved!)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation