[Expat-discuss] expatj

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Tue Apr 16 07:03:13 2002

Karl Waclawek writes:
 > There are a few bugs.

Definately!  I'd really like to get them fixed, but haven't had time
to review most of the patches that have been submitted.  I tried to
clean out some dead wood from the trackers last night, but didn't get
very far.

 > I don't even think all of them have been formally reported.
 > For instance, the default handler reports a lot of DTD data
 > (don't remember if all or just most), even if you are handling them.
 > It is not supposed to do this. I had hoped I could use it to
 > report top level whitespace.

If there isn't an open bug in the tracker, assume the email got lost.
I probably saw it, but if I didn't have time to look at it, the email
is buried somewhere deep in the bowels of my mailer.  The tracker is
much better for bug tracking than the list.

 > There is also one with regards to James Clark's test cases,
 > files .../valid/not-sa/003.xml and .../valid/not-sa/004.xml,
 > which Expat has problems with. I reported this to the list
 > last November. Expat does not respect this xml rule:

Again, this need to be in the tracker.

 > For instance, one could add some form of stop/start functions, so that
 > it would be easier to implement the new pull APIs on top of Expat.
 > Those things have been suggested on the list.

They need to be in the tracker.  Feel free to submit feature requests
as "bugs" and set the "Group" to "Feature Request".  They'll get a
lower priority than actual bugs, but they'll get lost otherwise.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation