[Expat-discuss] newbie question

Alex Beylin abeylin@yahoo.com
Thu Sep 6 07:50:07 2001

You can get an XML Notepad from Microsoft, here:

Using it you can create or view XML documents.

The program validates the document against it's DTD
during the open of document.  But when you are
modifying and saving the document there is no
If there is a problem(s) in your document, the program
will show the first problem, and not let you open the

(I have sent similar message before using "reply", not
"reply all" - so the list didn't get it, I am sorry if
you are getting the same message again.)


--- "Fred L. Drake, Jr." <fdrake@acm.org> wrote:
> Lorenzo writes:
>  > I'm newbie i download expat_win32 and i try to
> use library,i would want to
>  > know how can i create a file xml and insert a
> node into and save the file.
>   Expat is not an XML editor; I'm afraid you'll need
> to look elsewhere
> for that.  Expat is a library for developers to use
> in building
> applications which use XML.
>   I don't normally use Windows much, so I can't make
> any specific
> recommendations, you could try www.xml.com; I think
> they have a
> product guide online.
>   -Fred
> -- 
> Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
> PythonLabs at Zope Corporation
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