[Expat-discuss] Expat version 1.95.1

Kadakuntla, Pankaja pkadakuntla@axsone.com
Mon, 21 May 2001 13:40:04 -0400

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I found two versions of Expat. One version is James Clark Expat 1.2 and the
other is Expat 1.95.1.  I am not sure which is the latest production
release. The version I currently have is Expat 1.1 that does not support
parsing of DTD's. I would like to upgrade to a new version that have the
support for parsing external DTD's
Please suggest what is the difference in these two versions, and which one
is the latest.


Sr Programmer Analyst
Email - pkadakuntla@axsone.com
Phone - 732-574-2383 (Res)

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