[Expat-discuss] Proof of conformance of expat?

Hans-Peter Oeri hp@oeri.ch
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 16:15:55 +0100


I know, I should probably hide ;-) But for a thesis, I need a proof of 
the XML conformance of expat. After hours of searching, all I find is 
the commitment to be fully conforming and some mailing list statements 
that expat actually IS conforming.

However, all these big test suite results seem to happily ignore expat? 
Is it because they all depend on it? ;->

Really, I'd be glad if expat is 100% conforming to XML 1.0 but my prof 
wants documentation. So, does anyone have some results or know where to 
get them?

Thank you very much in advance
Hans-Peter Oeri