[Expat-discuss] Using Expat 1.95.1 under WIN32 and Solaris (7/8)

Dirk Dierckx brc@fourlittlemice.com
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 09:05:25 +0200


I'm using Expat 1.95.1 under Linux for some time now, but I need to port my
code to Win32.
To do this I've downloaded the expat_win32bin_1_95_1.zip from sourceforge
but there is no
import library included with the package (only the header file and the dll).
My question
now is, how can I use the dll.  The method to create an import library by
hand (extracting
all exports from the dll using dumpbin, converting it to a .def file and
using link to
create the .lib) isn't well documented so I think there must be another way
to do this.

The same code needs to be ported to Solaris(7 & 8) too, so can I use the
same source tarball
as for Linux and compile it under Solaris (using gcc) without modifications
or are there some
things to keep in mind?
Dirk Dierckx
Software Engineer

B. Rekencentra NV
Kromstraat 50, B-2520 Ranst (Belgium)
Phone   +32 (3) 470.14.00
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Email   dirk.dierckx@rekencentra.be