[Expat-discuss] XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T Ineffective

Allen, Michael B (RSCH) Michael_B_Allen@ml.com
Thu, 5 Jul 2001 21:10:12 -0400

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Allen, Michael B (RSCH) 
> 	Use UTF-16 internally as declared as wchar_t from <stddef.h> and pass
> 	strings to the application this way.
> 	I assumed from this that Expat would use the system definition of wchar_t.
> 	On my system I believe wchar_t is uint32_t. But I suspect Expat is passing
> 	the handlers UTF-16 regardless(not UTF-8).
		Whoops, if it was UTF-16 my hexdumps would show every other character
		as '\0'. That can't be it.