[Expat-checkins] expat/lib xmlparse.c,1.33,1.34

fdrake@users.sourceforge.net fdrake@users.sourceforge.net
Fri May 17 08:10:03 2002

Update of /cvsroot/expat/expat/lib
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv7127/lib

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Be more careful about failed MALLOC() and REALLOC() calls.  This avoids a
number of potential memory leaks.

Index: xmlparse.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/expat/expat/lib/xmlparse.c,v
retrieving revision 1.33
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -C2 -d -r1.33 -r1.34
*** xmlparse.c	17 May 2002 03:41:34 -0000	1.33
--- xmlparse.c	17 May 2002 15:09:34 -0000	1.34
*** 1657,1662 ****
  	    return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
  	  tag->buf = MALLOC(INIT_TAG_BUF_SIZE);
! 	  if (!tag->buf)
  	    return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
  	  tag->bufEnd = tag->buf + INIT_TAG_BUF_SIZE;
--- 1657,1664 ----
  	    return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
  	  tag->buf = MALLOC(INIT_TAG_BUF_SIZE);
! 	  if (!tag->buf) {
! 	    FREE(tag);
  	    return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
+ 	  }
  	  tag->bufEnd = tag->buf + INIT_TAG_BUF_SIZE;
*** 2200,2206 ****
      b = freeBindingList;
      if (len > b->uriAlloc) {
!       b->uri = REALLOC(b->uri, sizeof(XML_Char) * (len + EXPAND_SPARE));
!       if (!b->uri)
  	return 0;
        b->uriAlloc = len + EXPAND_SPARE;
--- 2202,2210 ----
      b = freeBindingList;
      if (len > b->uriAlloc) {
!       XML_Char *temp = REALLOC(b->uri,
!                                sizeof(XML_Char) * (len + EXPAND_SPARE));
!       if (temp == NULL)
  	return 0;
+       b->uri = temp;
        b->uriAlloc = len + EXPAND_SPARE;
*** 3142,3153 ****
        if (prologState.level >= groupSize) {
  	if (groupSize) {
! 	  groupConnector = REALLOC(groupConnector, groupSize *= 2);
! 	  if (dtd.scaffIndex)
! 	    dtd.scaffIndex = REALLOC(dtd.scaffIndex, groupSize * sizeof(int));
! 	else
  	  groupConnector = MALLOC(groupSize = 32);
! 	if (!groupConnector)
! 	  return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
        groupConnector[prologState.level] = 0;
--- 3146,3165 ----
        if (prologState.level >= groupSize) {
  	if (groupSize) {
! 	  char *temp = REALLOC(groupConnector, groupSize *= 2);
! 	  if (temp == NULL)
! 	    return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
! 	  groupConnector = temp;
! 	  if (dtd.scaffIndex) {
! 	    int *temp = REALLOC(dtd.scaffIndex, groupSize * sizeof(int));
! 	    if (temp == NULL)
! 	      return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
! 	    dtd.scaffIndex = temp;
! 	  }
! 	else {
  	  groupConnector = MALLOC(groupSize = 32);
! 	  if (!groupConnector)
! 	    return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
! 	}
        groupConnector[prologState.level] = 0;
*** 3831,3844 ****
        type->allocDefaultAtts = 8;
        type->defaultAtts = MALLOC(type->allocDefaultAtts
!                                  * sizeof(DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE));
      else {
!       type->allocDefaultAtts *= 2;
!       type->defaultAtts = REALLOC(type->defaultAtts,
! 				  (type->allocDefaultAtts
!                                    * sizeof(DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE)));
-     if (!type->defaultAtts)
-       return 0;
    att = type->defaultAtts + type->nDefaultAtts;
--- 3843,3859 ----
        type->allocDefaultAtts = 8;
        type->defaultAtts = MALLOC(type->allocDefaultAtts
! 				 * sizeof(DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE));
!       if (!type->defaultAtts)
! 	return 0;
      else {
!       DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE *temp;
!       int count = type->allocDefaultAtts * 2;
!       temp = REALLOC(type->defaultAtts, (count * sizeof(DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE)));
!       if (temp == NULL)
! 	return 0;
!       type->allocDefaultAtts = count;
!       type->defaultAtts = temp;
    att = type->defaultAtts + type->nDefaultAtts;
*** 4231,4236 ****
        newE->defaultAtts = (DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE *)
            MALLOC(oldE->nDefaultAtts * sizeof(DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE));
!       if (!newE->defaultAtts)
  	return 0;
      if (oldE->idAtt)
--- 4246,4253 ----
        newE->defaultAtts = (DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE *)
            MALLOC(oldE->nDefaultAtts * sizeof(DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE));
!       if (!newE->defaultAtts) {
! 	FREE(newE);
  	return 0;
+       }
      if (oldE->idAtt)
*** 4661,4676 ****
    if (dtd.scaffCount >= dtd.scaffSize) {
      if (dtd.scaffold) {
        dtd.scaffSize *= 2;
-       dtd.scaffold = (CONTENT_SCAFFOLD *)
-           REALLOC(dtd.scaffold, dtd.scaffSize * sizeof(CONTENT_SCAFFOLD));
      else {
        dtd.scaffSize = 32;
-       dtd.scaffold = (CONTENT_SCAFFOLD *)
-           MALLOC(dtd.scaffSize * sizeof(CONTENT_SCAFFOLD));
!     if (! dtd.scaffold)
!       return -1;
    next = dtd.scaffCount++;
--- 4678,4696 ----
    if (dtd.scaffCount >= dtd.scaffSize) {
      if (dtd.scaffold) {
+       temp = (CONTENT_SCAFFOLD *)
+         REALLOC(dtd.scaffold, dtd.scaffSize * 2 * sizeof(CONTENT_SCAFFOLD));
+       if (temp == NULL)
+         return -1;
        dtd.scaffSize *= 2;
      else {
+       temp = MALLOC(dtd.scaffSize * sizeof(CONTENT_SCAFFOLD));
+       if (temp == NULL)
+         return -1;
        dtd.scaffSize = 32;
!     dtd.scaffold = temp;
    next = dtd.scaffCount++;