[Expat-bugs] [ expat-Bugs-676844 ] expat.h compile error: enum XML_Status

Robert S robert at riskdev.com
Thu Oct 9 15:46:09 EDT 2003

I would like to report that it kills the pwlib compile also, this should 
certainly piss off a bunch of h323 application builders.

In file included from ../../ptclib/pxml.cxx:67:
/usr/local/include/expat.h:657: use of enum `XML_Status' without 
previous declaration
/usr/local/include/expat.h:736: multiple definition of `enum XML_Status'
make[1]: *** [/home/robert/pwlib/lib/obj_linux_x86_r/pxml.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/robert/pwlib/src/ptlib/unix'
make: *** [opt] Error 2

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