(no subject)

khellouf kamel kkhellouf@webraska.com
Wed Feb 27 02:37:02 2002

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hy ,
My problem, is the following  expat( version 1.95.2) then stops parser at
the end of
the second line occurs a planting, the error code is the following:  "
tag mismatch "

here the place of the code xml, where the parser plant:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
		<URL type="string" value="http://jerez/api/default12.asp"/>
		<toll type="bool" value="true"/>
		<connectionTimeout type="int" value="60"/>

can you help me?
Kamel Khellouf
Software development engineer

22, rue Guynemer - B.P 107
78602 Maisons-Laffitte Cedex - France
T:+33 ( 0)1 39 12 89 18
F: +33 (0)1 39 12 88 86
M: +33 (0)6 15 88 61 85
Web: <http://www.webraska.com>

Webraska is the worldwide provider of wireless navigation services and

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