[EuroPython] Matching Gifts

Steve - Gadget Barnes GadgetSteve at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 3 14:24:28 EDT 2020


The company that I now work for (following a divestment of my old company) has a matching grants program via “Your Cause” which combines YourCause & Good Done Great. I have checked and The Python Software Foundation is listed as eligible (EuroPython is not listed at all but non-USA based organisations are eligible if they meet the appropriate rules).

It looks like YourCause is a common gift matching platform across a lot of companies as they claim more than 8 million employees in the network.

Can I suggest that it would probably be worth someone from EuroPython going to https://solutions.yourcause.com and jumping through a few hoops to either update or register their details.

Steve Barnes
gadgetsteve at hotmail.com<mailto:gadgetsteve at hotmail.com>

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