[EuroPython] EuroPython 2019: Warning - Spoiler alert!

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Fri Jun 14 05:50:33 EDT 2019

Usually, we try to have something as surprise for our attendees every
year. However, for this year’s conference, we have decided to give our
attendees something to play with and this needs a little more
preparation than a bottle or a beach towel.

Drum roll… crowd screaming… and here it is: we’re please to
present the...

EuroPython 2019 PewPew Game Console

    * https://ep2019.europython.eu/events/pewpew-workshops/ *

The device was created and designed by Radomir Dopieralski, a long
time EuroPython regular and enthusiastic Python device and robotics

The PewPew is a simplified game console, programmable with
CircuitPython, a variant of MicroPython. It comes with a 64 LED
display and a set of small buttons to drive the console.

We will have one device per attendee with training or conference
ticket and plan to give them out together with the badges.

Free Workshops

To teach you how to program the consoles and help with any questions
you may have, we have arranged a special workshop room on the training
days Monday and Tuesday, where Radomir and his team will run workshops
focusing on the PewPew. You will learn how to write small programs and

Our hope is that you will take this knowledge home and spread the word
about how much fun Python is – especially for younger users.

The workshops are free for EuroPython conference or training ticket
holders, but please see our notes on catering on the training days.

Help us run the workshops

Since Radomir needs help with running the workshops, we are reaching
out to you with this blog post. If you are interested in embedded
Python, hardware hacking, game development and similar topics, we
invite you to come help us running those workshops.

This is a great opportunity to meet with Python developers and learn
together, and we’re sure you will have great fun while helping other
attendees. Whether it’s just lending a hand getting things working, or
running a whole workshop – it’s up to you, either way we will greatly
appreciate your help.

Please sign up using our mentor form. Many thanks !


More information will be available on the PewPew workshop page:


Dates and Venues

EuroPython will be held from July 8-14 2019 in Basel, Switzerland, at
the Congress Center Basel (CCB) for the main conference days (Wed-Fri)
and the FHNW Muttenz for the workshops/trainings/sprints days
(Mon-Tue, Sat-Sun).

Tickets can be purchased on our registration page:


For more details, please have a look at our website and the FAQ:


Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:




EuroPython 2019 Team

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