[EuroPython] EuroPython 2017: Beginners’ Day workshop cancelled

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Mon Jul 3 10:56:59 EDT 2017

Unfortunately, our Beginners’ Day host Harry Percival cannot attend
EuroPython due to personal reasons.

We were not able to find a suitable replacement quickly enough, so
have to cancel the Beginners’ Day workshop on Sunday, July 9.

We are very sorry for everyone who wanted to attend the workshop. If
we do find a replacement, we’ll let you know.

If you have some nice ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
program at europython.eu. We have a 90 seat room and catering available
to host an ad-hoc replacement session instead of the workshop - we
just need to move quickly.

EuroPython 2017 Team

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties:

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