[EuroPython] EuroPython 2015 sprints

Horst Gutmann horst at zerokspot.com
Sun Jun 7 20:28:16 CEST 2015

Hi ?

I'm not coming to this year's EuroPython but if they are organized in 
any way as previous sprints I've attended, registration is requested but 
not necessary (depending on if there is lunch prepared or not). You 
normally can propose a sprint but usually that's not strictly necessary. 
It might just help other people before-hand to pick a topic they want to 
sprint on. I remember in Florence, for instance, that there was a 
session-slot on the last conference they were anyone could just come up 
the stage and present their projects they want to sprint on.

I always simply see sprints as a place where anyone can code with anyone 
else on anything ? If you find a project that you're interested in, just 
walk up to someone working with it and join ?


> Brecht Machiels <mailto:brecht at mos6581.org>
> 7 Jun 2015 17:46
> Hello,
> Is there any information on the sprints to be held in the weekend 
> following the conference? As as first-time attendee, I'm not sure what 
> to expect. Some general information would be great. Do I need to 
> register for them? Can I propose a sprint myself? Can I just work on 
> my own project (RinohType) and be available to help anyone who wants 
> to try it out?
> Thanks,
> Brecht
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