[EuroPython] EuroPython 2015: New Code of Conduct

Filip Kłębczyk fklebczyk at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 17:00:32 CET 2015

W dniu 30.01.2015 o 12:00, M.-A. Lemburg pisze:
> Be nice to each other
> ---------------------
> We trust that attendees will treat each other in a way that reflects
> the widely held view that diversity and friendliness are strengths of
> our community to be celebrated and fostered.
> Furthermore, we believe attendees have a right to:
>   * be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect;
>   * be free from any form of discrimination, victimization, harassment
>     or bullying;
>   * enjoy an environment free from unwelcome behavior, inappropriate
>     language and unsuitable imagery.
> Here’s the permanent link to the CoC for 2015:
>      EuroPython 2015 - Code of Conduct
>      http://ep2015.europython.eu/coc/

Very good Code of Conduct - short, but thanks to it being a general one 
it covers everything important without going much into details. Very 
long Code of Conducts are less likely to be read and for example 
mentioning different kind of discrimination doesn't make so much sense 
as discrimination for _any_ reason is not ok and should not be tolerated 
in any situation. Besides, in the end what really matters is how well 
the CoC is executed when issues arise during the conference - for 
example how victims and offenders are approached by the organizers. I 
really would be open to hear how such situations are handled (of course 
without names) and what are the best practices in such cases.

So big respect from my side for PyCon UK people that prepared this CoC. 
I think it is very probable that PyCon PL will also adopt this version.


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