[EuroPython] EuroPython 2015: Launch preparations are underway

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Thu Feb 26 16:16:32 CET 2015

The EuroPython Workgroups are busy preparing the launch of the
website. Just launched in mid-January, all workgroups (WGs) are fully
under steam by now, working hard to make EuroPython 2015 a fabulous


Community building the conference

The *On-site Team WG* is doing a wonderful job getting us the best
possible deals in Bilbao, the *Web WG* is knee deep into code and
docker containers setting up the website, the *Marketing & Design WG*
working with the designers to create wonderful logos and brochures,
the *Program WG* contacting keynote speakers and creating the call for
proposals, the *Finance WG* building the budget and making sure the
conference stays affordable for everyone, the *Support WG* setting up
the online help desk to answer your questions, the *Communications WG*
preparing to create a constant stream of exciting news updates, the
*Administration WG* is managing the many accounts, contracts and
services needed to run the organization.

The *Financial Aid WG* and *Media WG* are preparing to start their
part of the conference organization later in March.


The WGs are all staffed with members from the ACPySS on-site team, the
EuroPython Society and volunteers from the EuroPython community to
drive the organization forward and we’re getting a lot done in a very
short time frame.

More help needed

We are very happy with the help we are getting from the community, but
there still is a lot more to be done. If you want to help us build a
great EuroPython conference, please consider joining one of the above


Stay tuned and be sure to follow the EuroPython Blog for updates on
the conference:


EuroPython Society (EPS)

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