[EuroPython] Please sign up as reviewer for EuroPython 2014 - thanks !

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Wed Mar 12 19:19:20 CET 2014

There are almost 300 talk submissions in the database, but most talks
still only have one or two votes and review time is running out

If you have some time available, please do consider signing up as
reviewer via the site's profile:


Here's how to apply and review talks:

1. log in to your EuroPython site account (you will have created
   one when booking the conference)

2. go to your profile page:

3. tick the reviewer checkbox

One of the program team members will then enable upgrade your status to
reviewer (ping helpdesk at europython.eu for help if needed). Once this is
set, log in again and proceed with the reviews:

4. visit the review list:

5. click on the title of a talk proposal, read the proposal,
   ask questions using the comment system and finally, click
   on the "create review" button to vote on the talk together
   with a short note explaining your vote

That's it.

Many thanks and see you in Berlin,
Marc-Andre Lemburg
EuroPython Society

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