[EuroPython] Proposal review interface

Markus Holtermann info at markusholtermann.eu
Tue Mar 11 00:36:06 CET 2014

Hello Chris,

I'm the webteam lead for the EuroPython 2014.

First of all, thank you for your input and comments. The issues you
describe are perfectly valid, so I created 2 issues in our issue tracker
at https://github.com/EuroPython/djep/issues

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 11:54:45PM +0100, Christopher Arndt wrote:
>- I can't see the contents of the "Notes" field in the submission form
>for proposals listed anywhere. Since this was advertised especially as
>an opportunity to pass explanatory remarks to the reviewers, this
>omission is very unfortunate.
>- I'm fairly certain that in the form to submit training proposals the
>first two text areas were labelled "Structure" and "Description" instead
>of "Abstract" and "Description" and they were in reverse order.
>The result is that training proposals now contain a narrative of the
>structure in the abstract field, where reviewers would probably would
>expect a short description of (the topics of) the training, seeing that
>the section is labelled "Abstract" and is listed first.
>Can we please make the contents of the "Notes" field visible to the


>Can we label the sections in the reviewer view the same as they were
>labelled in the submission form?


>Can we make sure that for trainings the right text ends up in the
>conference program (i.e. the contents of the "Description" field)?

Well, as the fields in the proposal view are correctly labeled
(structure has the annotation about the time frames), it is first up to
the proposal author to put the description and the abstract/structure in
the correct fields. Second, the once the schedule is launched and before
the conference program is printed, we will of course try to make sure to
always include the correct text. Apart from that, the abstract /
structure field in the review's proposal update form lacks the
annotation about the time frames. Hence I created yet another issue:

Bottom line, we will fix those issues asap. But if someone on this mailing
list wants to contribute, fee free to comment on the issue and let us
know and submit a pull request.


Markus Holtermann

(EuroPython 2014 Webteam Lead)


EuroPython 2014 - The European Python Conference in Berlin
21-27 July 2014 at bcc Berlin Congress Center
Meet with the Python community: tutorials, talks, sprints and socializing
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