[EuroPython] Will the talks be recorded? Annoyances with scheduling.

Carina.Haupt at dlr.de Carina.Haupt at dlr.de
Mon Jun 16 14:54:12 CEST 2014

Hi Philip,

A lot of thinking went into the schedule, but it is not too easy to make a matching schedule. Next to topics you have to consider the different length of the slots, the different room sizes, and of course the availability of the speakers.
But to your question: Yes the talks will be recorded (and also streamed) and will be put online asap.

Best regards

Von: EuroPython [mailto:europython-bounces+carina.haupt=dlr.de at python.org] Im Auftrag von Phillip Oldham
Gesendet: Montag, 16. Juni 2014 13:54
An: europython at python.org
Betreff: [EuroPython] Will the talks be recorded? Annoyances with scheduling.

Can anyone tell me whether the talks this year will be recorded and made available online?

I’ve just started making a list of the talks I’d like to attend and I’m rather disappointed to find that a number of talks around distributed programming I’m keen to attend are set for the same slot on the same day. In fact, I’ve noticed it has happened a couple of times where similarly themed talks have been scheduled for the same time. I understand that there will always be talks that you can’t attend, but maybe a little thought could’ve gone into talk themes so they wouldn’t’ve been scheduled together.
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