[EuroPython] Work on Call for Participation for EuroPython 2015 has started

Giovanni Bajo giovanni at pycon.it
Mon Feb 3 13:04:35 CET 2014

Il giorno 03/feb/2014, alle ore 12:50, John Pinner <funthyme at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Hello,
> On 3 February 2014 02:43, Giovanni Bajo <giovanni at pycon.it> wrote:
>> Il giorno 01/feb/2014, alle ore 12:59, Michael <sparks.m at gmail.com> ha
>> scritto:
>> 400?
>> Christ on a bike, europython used to be affordable. Florence was
>> ridiculously expensive (when you factor everything in).
>> A 5-days conference with tickets starting at €100 for students and €190 for
>> an individual ticket, including catering of course. On top of that, we got
>> 200 beds with prices at €39 per person per night in double room, and other
>> 200 beds at €45 per person per night, at the 4-star conference hotel, all
>> taxes included. In Florence.
>> EuroPython 2010 was £120 at the extra early bird rate, for a 2.5 days
>> conference, and hotels surely can’t get much cheaper. Let’s even assume that
>> that means “much cheaper” for you, still i wouldn’t call EP in Florence
>> “ridiculously expensive”.
> All of which is true, except that youa re neglecting to mention the
> Partners Programme.
> The only way I could justify going, giving a shortage of money and
> time, was to treat it as a holiday and take my long
> conference-suffering wife.  However the cost of the PP was far too
> high, maybe that's what Michael meant by " (when you factor everything
> in)."

Hi John,

that might have been true the first year; we got painful feedback on that, and acted, by adding more organization time towards skipping any middleman and hiring directly the guides. The second and third year had pretty reasonable tours in my opinion. Santa Croce: €8. Ponte Vecchio and Reinassance way of living: €8. San Marco Museum: €10. Santa Maria Novella: €10. Etc. They all included an English speaking guide and entrance fees where applicable. I think the prices were in line with EuroPython UK (http://ep2010.europython.eu/about/partners/).

Since the event itself can only be described as moderately more expensive than EuroPython UK (and only if you don’t look at per-day cost), I guess the only people that were really impacted were UK people that were saving on the travel the previous years. I can see that and sympathize with them, but I don’t agree that the event was so more expensive for the average European. 

NOTE: I’m comparing relative numbers between UK and IT. I’m not saying that the event is “cheap” or “expensive” on absolute terms. 
Giovanni Bajo
Python Italia APS

EuroPython 2014

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