[EuroPython] Pricing (was Re: Work on Call for Participation for EuroPython 2015 has started)

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Sat Feb 1 08:03:35 CET 2014

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Paul Boddie wrote:
> On Friday 31. January 2014 20.53.34 Andreas Jung wrote:
>> I have to correct the 2013 prices: 165/315/370.
>> Still the prices of the EP 2014 are in a range that make this
>> conference affordable and reasonably priced.  Comparable
>> conferences - often run only for two or three day - are more
>> expensive.
> It's worth dipping into the historical record for price information.
> Here's something I dug up:
> https://wiki.python.org/moin/EuroPython/2007/FeeStructureAttendees
> Obviously, back then there was no distinction between individual and
> business rates at EuroPython. I see that PyCon this year is
> ~95/260/445 for the regular rates, and I think that apart from those
> choosing the corporate rate, the prices have remained fairly stable
> for the established conferences, considering things like inflation,
> longer conferences, more included stuff, and so on.
> Back in 2007, the exceptional conference was RuPy which offered
> incredibly cheap rates for students, and I think we were all aware
> that EuroPython was going to look expensive in comparison and might
> end up being too expensive for the regional audience, particularly
> students, but there was no chance that EuroPython could discount
> rates aggressively to "compete" with RuPy. And of course, no-one was
> really competing with anyone else, anyway.

You can not directly compare RuPy 2007 with EP 2014. I was speaker at
the first RuPy in Poznan and there is a certain difference in size,
location, length of conference etc. - so do not let use compare apples
with pears.

Also keep in mind that the costs of conference visit also include costs
for traveling and accommodation. Travelling to Florence appears more
expensive then getting to Berlin. I payed between 250 and 300 EUR over
the last years for the flights from Stuttgart to Florence. You can
get to Berlin within Europe likely with half the money. So the
conference fee is only one part of the overall personal price for a

Also every town and conference location has a different cost structure.

In addition to that: there will be a financial assistance program for
people needing financial support getting to EP 2014.

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