[EuroPython] conference length

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Thu Apr 24 14:40:08 CEST 2014

On 04/24/2014 01:13 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Yes, I understand PyCon US is more like EuroPython back in 2009, with 3 days conference proper, 2
>> days training. I've been talking about the actual conference days.
> Yep, but the total length is two days more.

In 2009 at EuroPython I participated in the sprints for I think 3 days 
too. So there were 8 days in all I think. (with a much smaller 
attendance for sprints)

> For many attendees
> of PyCon, the sprints are the most important part. Judging from the
> lunch attendance at this years PyCon, about 1/4 - 1/3 of the attendees
> stayed for the first sprint day.

Yes, that's what I expressed early on in this discussion; I do value the 
sprints at EuroPython a lot, and if you add 5 days conference proper 
before it, the whole thing becomes rather long at a stretch, for me, as 
an individual attendee.

So it's a matter of capacity, and goals. I can fully see there's not 
enough capacity to organize a 9 day sequence of events. For someone who 
likes trainings this program is probably better than a 
training/conference split, I can see that. For someone who likes sprints 
this is a rather heavy program.

> Thanks. I've fixed the dates now. The 2005 edition had conference days on
> June 27 - 29, with sprints from June 30 - July 3. The tutorials were
> mixed into the conference talk days, just like is done now.

Looks like EuroPython had a lot of different formats over the years!



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