[EuroPython] EuroPython 2013, 2014, 2015, ...

Matteo Boscolo matteo.boscolo at boscolini.eu
Fri Jan 11 16:51:04 CET 2013

Have you never think about to using OpenERP ?, it seems that version 7, 
just released, have all the requirements ..


Il 11/01/2013 12:32, Horst Gutmann ha scritto:
> @Giovanni: Is this payment system tightly integrated with the rest of 
> the website or could it be replaced (e.g. externalized)?
> @Filip: For the German PyCon conferences we built our own system that 
> is based mostly around django-cms. Right now we are updating it for 
> PyCon DE 2013 and it is available on 
> https://bitbucket.org/PySV/pycon_de_website if you're interested :-)
> On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Giovanni Bajo <giovanni at pycon.it 
> <mailto:giovanni at pycon.it>> wrote:
>     Il giorno 10/gen/2013, alle ore 22:32, Filip K?e;bczyk
>     <fklebczyk at gmail.com <mailto:fklebczyk at gmail.com>> ha scritto:
>     > I have another question. On the meeting where the board has been
>     chosen there was also a mention about EP conference registration
>     web system to be open sourced. I'm asking, because it could be
>     potentially used also for local PyCons websites.
>     There are two main hurdles with it:
>     1) The website is not meant to be a generic CMS, where people with
>     no web programming experience can setup a PyCon website. It still
>     requires proficiency in Django and HTML/CSS design. This also
>     means that there is no installation guides, and no clear
>     separation points between specifities of EuroPython and the
>     generic part that could be reused. Our dream would be to get to a
>     point where EuroPython-specific code/templates are separated into
>     a different Django app, but we're not there yet.
>     2) We relay on an internal payment gateway / ticketing system
>     which is a large Python-based application (with different
>     technologies, different DBs, etc.) for the sole purpose of issuing
>     payments (through PayPal) and invoices. The system is indeed quite
>     large, and we use only a small subset of it; this is basically an
>     incomplete transition, but I don't know if it can be fixed this year.
>     Moreover, the PSF has been quite uninterested in helping with
>     this, because they are already sponsoring a similar effort: the
>     application that powers the PyCon US website. You might as well
>     look into it.
>     --
>     Giovanni Bajo
>     EuroPython 2012
>     https://ep2012.europython.eu
>     Python Italia APS
>     Non-profit association
>     Registered in Italy
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