[EuroPython] Schedule is online!

info at pycon.it info at pycon.it
Thu Apr 4 00:12:39 CEST 2013

Also this year EuroPython will be rich in contents and enthusiasm. Seven days
for more than 100 talks and trainings will make you glad to attend the last
Florentine EuroPython.

## Are you curious?

What are you waiting for? Browse the
[schedule](https://ep2013.europython.eu/schedule) and discover how the 7
fantastic days at EuroPython are shaping up! We are also publishing the [final
results](https://ep2013.europython.eu/voting-results) of the community talk
voting, based on which we selected talks.

Through the navigation panel in the schedule, you will be able to:

  * **Filter talks** by type (training, partner program, sprint)
  * Jump to a **specific day** schedule
  * Build up your own printable **"My Schedule"**: by logging in, you can start using the star button to quickly like the talk you prefer and then only show the talks you like.
The schedule is always a little on the flux, and we will keep working on it in
the next weeks. If you find something wrong or weird with it, don't hesitate
to report errors in the chat or by email.

## Book your favorite trainings

If you like one or more **trainings**, please reserve a seat!

**Reservation** is not mandatory but is totally recommended, because we will give precedence to people who have it.  
You can book the trainings you want to attend, directly from the schedule
(click on the training, and then click on the "Book" button). Remember that
lite tickets do not provide access to trainings.

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