[EuroPython] Proposals wanted for EP 2013

Fabio Pliger fabio.pliger at s3srl.com
Wed Oct 19 10:35:04 CEST 2011

2011/10/16 Laura Creighton <lac at openend.se>

> We know where we are going to be spending EP2012 -- we are returning to
> Florence where the wonderful EP2011 occurred this summer.  But now is the
> time to begin putting together proposals for where to have the event in
> 2 years time.  I'd like to have all proposals in by January 1, 2012.
> As we are now a conference of size 500, we need more lead time in order
> to reserve conference space.  Because the number of places which can hold
> us is smaller, since we are larger, they tend to be booked years in
> advance.
> So I'd like it if groups interested in hosting 2013 EP would put together
> a proposal and get it to us for voting by January 1st.
> 1.  Is this too short?  I know I told people I would ask for this in Sept,
> but
> as usual, life intervened.

> 2. The Florence organisers have told me they are willing to host EP in 2013
> as well.  So I have encouraged them to submit as proposal as well.  So,
> don't
> you fear, we will have a EP 2013 even if nobody else submits a proposal.
> More details on how the vote will be conducted when we find out who is
> interested in hosting the event (and if there is a loud scream of outrage
> that a Jan 1 deadline is too short).
I agree with Laura that we need proposals.. It'd be great to have the EP2013
team helping us during the 2012 event.

If no proposal arrives I think we should ping the german team that ran the
bid with us for EP 2011-2012 hosting as they did a great proposal as well..


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