[EuroPython] Speaker registration

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Mon Mar 28 20:35:50 CEST 2011

On Mon, 2011-03-28 at 17:18 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> info at pycon.it wrote:
> > Registrations are open! [Buy a ticket][6] before April 11th to take part to
> > the [community talk voting][7]!
> > 
> >    [5]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/call-for-papers
> > 
> >    [6]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/registration
> > 
> >    [7]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/talk-voting
> Hmm, this introduces a race condition for speakers :-)
> Since you recommended for speakers to register after the talk
> voting process, (potential) speakers cannot take part in the
> talk voting process, it seems.

The race condition happens if someone wants to benefit from the
discounted rate for a speaker *and* take part into the community voting.

It could be argued that someone who submitted a talk should not take
part into the voting process. In that case, there would be no race

Or he/she can decide to pay the full ticket price and take part to the
voting process, giving up the discounted rate he would have access to if
his/her talk is later accepted.

This compromise has worked out pretty well in PyCon Italy[1], but maybe
numbers are different in EuroPython.

All in all, we are pretty flexible. If you buy a full ticket, do the
voting, and later ask for a partial refund, we won't let you down. There
is just no streamlined process for this, that's all.

[1] In fact, in 2010 about half of the speakers bought the full ticket
anyway to support the event.
Giovanni Bajo   ::  rasky at develer.com
Develer S.r.l.  ::  http://www.develer.com

My Blog: http://giovanni.bajo.it
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