[EuroPython] Registering as speaker / EU VAT ID

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Mon Mar 21 18:58:29 CET 2011


I have two questions regarding the registration process:

1. Speaker signup

I'd like to submit a talk or two and would like to register
as speaker, but the registration form only has "private",
"student" and "company".

Is the speaker registration not
available yet, or should I just sign up as "company" and
then set some flag later on ?

2. Charging VAT to companies

On the company registration form you say "Company fares allow
for full tax deduction. 20% VAT will always be included in the
invoices because of Italian tax regulations, and will need to
be fully paid (even by companies in the EU area); in most
countries, VAT can be recovered when filing tax return forms."

The latter is true, but is a lot of paper work and usually
only feasible if you are talking about EUR 500+ in VAT from a
single EU country.

Now to make things easier the EU has
established the EU VAT ID system, where you provide a VAT ID
and reverse charge the VAT to the company buying the ticket.
As a result, no VAT has to be charged on the invoice and
the paper work is reduced to a minimum.

Would it be possible for Python Italy to accept valid VAT IDs
and reverse charge the VAT to the EU companies ?

Here's the EU VAT ID validation site you can use for validating
the IDs:


Marc-Andre Lemburg

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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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