[EuroPython] Getting fun in the evening: the PyEvents!

info at pycon.it info at pycon.it
Fri Jun 3 09:38:00 CEST 2011

As previously announced, we are unveiling today the [PyEvents][1]! Have fun
with our socializing meetups and coding competitions!

We have prepared a [dedicated page][1] that lists all the social events for
the evening and we are in progress of updating the schedule to reflect them as

In addition to the [PyFiorentina conference dinner][2] (by the way, remember
to book it!), you are welcome to join the PyBeer, for which we arranged a
special convention with a local pub. And on Friday 24th, don't miss the
fireworks made by the city of Florence for his patron festivity!

But if coding and Python it's what you are all about, we have **two** Python
coding competitions, with wonderful prizes (such as, Android smartphones!):
the EuroPython Google Code Jam and the Python Challenge. We will disclose more
details about the rules in the following days. For now, just remember that
they are free to join, and they require you to work on your laptop (we cannot
supply computers and/or monitors to work on).

As usual, stay tuned!

## We need your help!

If you got a ticket for EuroPython, please go to the [schedule][3] and mark
the talks you are willing to follow by pressing the "like" button (after
login); this is important for both the talks and the [4-hours hands-on
trainings][4]. It will help us arranging the rooms. Thanks!

   [1]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/pyevents

   [2]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/blog/2011/05/18/pyfiorentina-legendary-

   [3]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/schedule

   [4]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/training

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