[EuroPython] Europython Videos on their way...

Michael Sparks sparks.m at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 20:05:13 CEST 2010


Because people are asking "where's the videos", a brief update on this.

I had expected to start transcoding the videos the weekend immediately
after the conference in readyness for upload to
http://europythonvideos.blip.tv/ the following week.

However I had 2 setbacks: Firstly the fan in my machine has decided to
stop working properly, which means it's (generally) OK for non CPU
intensive work, but means that it reaches very high temperatures (>80
degree C) when it's busy. Aside from risks, this degrades performance
to the extent that it's unusable. In particular this means it can't be
used for transcoding effectively.

Secondly, my fallback of using a machine (or two) at work was hit by
the setback that I've had a very busy couple of weeks at work, which
has meant I have had literally no time to get things set up.

Anyhow, the reason for the update is that I've now (this evening) had
such a chance to do so, and I'm going to leave said machine
transcoding stuff over the weekend, etc. Given the sheer amount to
transcode I don't expect this to be completed over the weekend, but it
means that things should now be back on track.

I'll post further updates as things progress.



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