[EuroPython] EuroPython Gallery

Christian Scholz cs at comlounge.net
Thu Jul 2 15:47:18 CEST 2009

Łukasz Langa wrote:
> Wiadomość napisana w dniu 2009-06-30, o godz. 23:56, przez John Pinner:
>> Upload your pix, best photograph capturing the spirit of EuroPython
>> 2009 wins a prize.

May I also remind people not to forget to upload their photos on flickr
and/or facebook (or any other additional site). This is where the world
will see them and they help to publicize Python and it's community.

There are only 107 photos on flickr tagged with europython from this
event. You surely can do better? :-)

There are also only 5 slideshows right now on slideshare (this is again
where more people will see them, even if accidently). Please upload them
there to share them with the world (and e.g. RobotFramework already got
more then 340 views there).

You later will also be able to add the recorded audio to make it a
narrated slideshow, might be the next best thing after video.

So please help to spread the word!

-- Christian

Christian Scholz                          Homepage: http://comlounge.net
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