[EuroPython] Sponsorship brochure

Jacob Hallén jacob at openend.se
Wed May 21 22:17:20 CEST 2008

Hi everyone,

I am finally caught up when it comes to getting sponsorship running. The 
brochure is ready, very much thanks to David Boddie, who layouted a nice PDF 
brochure from my texts. I have sent information to the people who have 
already contaced us concerning sponsorship.

I would like the brochure to be downloadable from the sponsorship webpage of 
the website, but I don't know how to make that happen. I hope that one of the 
web wizards will be able to.

Then I would like everyone who knows a company that they think might be 
interested in sponsorship to either tell me where to send an email, or send 
them the brochure themselves. I have a list of my own for companies that I 
will be contacting in the next few days.

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