[EuroPython] Vote for a New EuroPython Logo!

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Sun Mar 23 15:56:40 CET 2008

On Sunday 23 March 2008 10:58:34 Paul Jongsma wrote:
> While not being intimate with MoinMoin I do use it sometimes and never
> seen this problem on other Wiki's
> As I am not allowed to edit that specific page I cannot see the coding
> of it, but if it using ImageLink that might be the cause, it appears
> to be outdated, see http://moinmo.in/MacroMarket/ImageLink

You should still be able to view the raw text of the page - see the actions 
menu for details. In fact, the images are inserted using the conventional 
link syntax.

> Checked IE6, it renders it into a working page.
> Tested both Safari 3.0 and 3.1 this covers all recent Mac OS X
> releases, both fail.
> It would be good to fix the pages.

Thanks for the report. I'll update the page to use the full URLs for the 
images instead.


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