[EuroPython] EuroPython 2008: Another Call for Theme and Talk Suggestions

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Thu Mar 13 22:36:44 CET 2008

It has been very quiet on the mailing list recently, but for those of you not 
aware of the work happening behind the scenes for EuroPython, we have been 
getting ready to accept talk proposals for this year's conference. As a 
result, we [*] are still interested in having as many ideas for conference 
themes and talks as possible - really, we just want to know what topics are 
most interesting to people who are thinking about coming to EuroPython 2008.

See here for the page of talk and theme suggestions so far:


And see here for some help on contributing to the EuroPython site:


If you want to help review talks, once we start accepting proposals, don't be 
shy! Either send a mail to this list, or create an account on the EuroPython 
site and add yourself to the "Conference Programme" list:


And if you can think of innovative ideas for a particular theme: perhaps some 
kind of tutorial session or just a gathering of people with a passionate 
interest in a particular theme, feel free to tell us all about it!

Make EuroPython yours: get involved now! :-)

[*] As EuroPython is a community conference, there isn't really an "us" 
(meaning the organisers) and a "them" (meaning everyone else). Everyone is 
welcome to help shape the conference into something meaningful to them. See 
the EuroPython site at europython.org for more information!

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