[EuroPython] draft agenda for meeting today

Michael Hudson micahel at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 11:18:34 CET 2007

This can also be seen here:


Hope to see lots of people along!

EuroPython planning meeting #2

:When: 18:00 CET 2007-03-15
:Where: #europython on freenode.net


- **call for proposals** (feedback on draft, deadline for track descriptions)

  Hopefully there will be a draft by the time of meeting :)

  Last year's is here, for reference:


- **registration fee** (early, normal, online)

  Last year's price structure was::

    Participant (normal)      190.00
    Participant (normal bird) 150.00
    Participant (early bird)  120.00
    Student (normal)          100.00
    Student (normal bird)      85.00
    Student (early bird)       65.00
    Speaker                   120.00
    Speaker (student)          65.00

  which is a bit insane.  At least let's *plan* to be simpler this time?

- **keynotes** (status)

  Guido for sure.  And this just in, from #europython:

    SteveA: hi folks.  david axmark replied about the keynote.  he's
    currently moving house, is interested, wants to talk about it in
    two weeks' time.

- **next meeting**

  Suggest in a week's time.


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