[EuroPython] EP website and tools : replacing CPS by Plone

Nicolas Pettiaux nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be
Fri Jan 19 15:30:37 CET 2007

A question I raise:

on top of the fact that I do not know CPS at all but rather Plone as a
CMS, and have some trouble getting the needed access, I notice that
the Europython website runs on CPS, a tools once competing in the
zope/python world with Plone but not anymore since Nuxeo has decided
to drop it as well as python to go for java, I suggest that we
consider, now that this should not be too difficult has the EP website
should not be too populated with content, moving from CPS to Plone.

I do also know more people in the community who could provide some
technical help with plone than with CPS.

WHat do you think ?



Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be

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