[EuroPython] update of the website to EP2007

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Thu Jan 18 10:15:35 CET 2007

"Nicolas Pettiaux" <nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be> writes:

> going to the website today, I realized that the image to draw
> attention on the event still had last year dates, and these appear at
> different places.
> I propose to change this is I get the access and update different
> other stuff.

Do you have an account yet?  If not, visit
http://www.europython.org/join_form, sign up and I'll try to remember
how to give you manager rights....

> I would welcome the help of anyone who knows CPS better than me,

Hmm, I guess I can remember a thing or two.  Do you IRC?  I'm usually
in #europython on freenode, though probably not much in the next few


  <exarkun> I think there's a rather large difference between a stale
            twinkie and a kernel swap daemon
                                                -- from Twisted.Quotes

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