[EuroPython] [Numpy-discussion] [ANN] EuroPython 2007: Call for Proposals

Simon Burton simon at arrowtheory.com
Mon Apr 9 19:02:32 CEST 2007

On Mon, 2 Apr 2007 17:43:22 +0200
Nicolas Chauvat <nicolas.chauvat at logilab.fr> wrote:

> Other ways to participate
> -------------------------
> Apart from giving talks, there are plenty of other ways to participate in
> the conference.  Just attending and talking to people you find here can be
> satisfying enough, but there are three other kinds of activity you may wish
> to plan for: Lightning Talks, Open Space and Sprints.  Lightning Talks are
> very short talks that give you just enough time to introduce a topic or
> project, Open Space is an area reserved for informal discussions, and
> Sprints are focused gatherings for developers interested in particular
> projects.  For more information please see the following pages:
>  * Lightning Talks: http://www.europython.org/sections/events/lightning_talks
>  * Open Space: http://www.europython.org/sections/events/open_space

suggestion: make sure these open space talks are widely publicized. 
At pycon this year i heard they where really interesting and yet i missed seeing them
because i didn't know about them. Even announcing the open space events in between
the regular talks would be an idea.


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