[EuroPython] Various questions (as "Am I registered?")

Harald Armin Massa haraldarminmassa at gmail.com
Fri May 26 08:40:50 CEST 2006


> me and my brother (Federico Galli) tried to register to EuroPython.
and you both succeeded! Thank you, and looking forward to see you in CERN!

> I have received just one mail (the one about my info, and not the second
> mail about the payment), so I'm not so sure about being registered. Am
> registered?
You are reigstered. That with "no payment mail" is strange; but can
happen. For the record: you have to pay to the same account the same
amount as your brother; please use your registration ID (c44r143) as a
reference. Your brothers Registration ID is cr44144.

> Can we do just one bank payment (and be sure you know the
> payment is for both of us) ?
I am not really sure about this, someone who handels these bookings
will give you information. But please make sure to add the
registration ID to every payment.

> Do we need some certification about being students or you simply trust
> people?
German students have something called "Studentenausweis", it's like a
Identity Card of the University. Is there something similiar in Italy?

> Is it intended as a "on site" registration for people who didn't
> registered earlier, or must we be there in that hour?

You need to get your badges. You need to get access passwords for WLAN
Access. We all need to say hello! It needs to be checked if those you
claim you are are registered ... it is more a "check in", like in

Looking forward to see you in CERN,

best wishes


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstraße 202b
70197 Stuttgart
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