[EuroPython] late registration of 3 speakers

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Tue Jun 27 22:48:29 CEST 2006

Belmar-Letelier <luis at itaapy.com> writes:

> Belmar-Letelier a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> Sorry I just forget that I was in charge to proceed to the
>> registration of the Itaapy team for Europython.
>> So now we are out of date.
>> We are 3 Speakers:
>> 120 euro  Hervé Cauwelier
>> 120 euro  Luis Belmar-Letelier
>> 120 euro  Nicolas Deram
>> Must I do a bank transfer of 360 euro ?
>> or is there a different fee for speakers when we are
>> out of date ?
> Any news  about this ?

I replied, but only on the list it seems:



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