[EuroPython] pricing / next push for attendants

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Sun Jun 4 07:00:02 CEST 2006

Hi all, 

Considering the payment and registration difficulties and the
fact that people had to early-bird register to the conf
without knowing the program, i am wondering about the pricing. 

We should at least not prominently mention the 
early-bird rates anymore.  

Moreover, what do you think of a pricing scheme like 

               -9th June   later 
Participants    120         190 
Speakers        120         150 
Students         80         150

and simply saying that "at the door" costs +30 Euro? 
In lieu with the very nice set of >100 talks this 
prolonged early-bird might give an additional incentive 
to register quickly.



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