[EuroPython] knock, knock!

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Sun Oct 2 17:18:30 CEST 2005

Paul Everitt <paul at zope-europe.org> writes:

> Hi Michael.  I'm in for the Zope track.  However, I wonder if it  
> would be better to do this as a general "Web Frameworks" track than  
> just Zope.  There's lots of interesting stuff happening in Python  
> these days for web frameworks.  Lots of people might benefit from  
> cross-pollination.

Yes, it would be nice to have more cross pollination, though I think
there's also an appetite for the fairly hardcore Zope/Plone/CPS talk
too.  But I guess that's true for all tracks.


  If Unicode is a horde of zombies with flaming dung sticks, 
  the hideous intricacies of JIS, Chinese Big-5, Chinese 
  Traditional, KOI-8, et cetera are at least an army of ogres 
  with salt and flensing knives.        -- Eric S. Raymond, python-dev

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