[EuroPython] Talk details mistake on the website

Martin Aspeli optilude at gmx.net
Sat May 28 23:03:13 CEST 2005


I notice on http://www.python-in-business.org/ep2005/alisttrack.chtml? 
track=770 that my talk is listed as the last entry. I presume this  
means it has been accepted? Will I receive more details on this?

However, there is a "NOTE TO EDITORS" block that reads:

NOTE TO EDITORS: This talk could potentially also fit in both the  
and Zope tracks. I feel the Social Aspects track is more appropriate  
the focus I intend to give, and the nature of my MSc degree, which the
talk will build upon, but I am flexible if you feel the talk would be  
pitched differently, either in another track, or with more focus on the
sociological aspects of the Plone community and the individuals therein.
The talk was the suggestion of Plone co-founder Alexander Limi; as this
will be my first EuroPython, I am a little unsure of the details, so  
contact me if there are any questions.


This looks a bit silly - could it please be removed?


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